In a world where blind see more than others
Where there is war among brothers, 
And the fire can engulf your bones,
On a throne built of solid stones,
A god resides that is like no other,
He guards all, sitting on the border
From unseen creatures from the warp.
His warriors steadfast, their senses sharp,
Towering among thousands of souls
They are his sons fulfilling their roles.
The untold masses of humanity
Across stars his banner will carry,
Cleansing the Universe in his name,
Till the day, all he will reclaim.

This is my tribute to the Warhammer 40,000 universe, again in free verse, it is not perfect, but I hope the Emperor will forgive me for such bad work. :)

How many times have I "tried" to quit? Well, I never actually tried, but still I wish I hadn't started smoking. Nah, I am just kidding, I think cigarettes are the best thing in the world, but like everything nice there is a limit to how much I can smoke. I would probably think of quiting maybe in a couple, but then again, maybe I won't. Lately there is so much crap going on, maybe that is why I had a wee bit of alcohol at 7 in the morning. But still looking forward to summer, thinking of accomplishing at least something this summer. Well, I should probably start doing my stuff instead of just ranting.

Insomnia is a strange thing, from one point of view I suffer from lack of sleep, but on the other hand my mind opens up to things never possible, and insomnia hallucinations are trippy and enjoyable. It is like your mind is in a clear state one one thing can occupy it a time. It feels like your soul is released from your body. The only drawback, besides the obvious ones, is you become allergic to sunlight, everything hurts the eyes and smoking doesn't feel as good. But it is still my drug, give a little but of euphoria...
When the pyres of dead gods go out,
A god will emerge, a human form it will sprout.
It will lead humanity to stars, win every war,
Yet it will suffer the most human flaw.
It will love its children and will never doubt,
Love without a cause and remain devout,
But the children seek to destroy it, forever,
And will invent things to slay ones brother,
But the God will live on as long as Mankind
Because this god, is the human mind.

Yea, this is kind of bad poetry by me. Hope you enjoyed it.
Hey guys, this is my first post here. Just wanted to let you know, sometimes, what I write is depressing and borderline insane, that is why I named it reports from the fringe. I hope you will like it.