It feels strange when you graduate. Seems there is nothing to do now! You have done it, you have earned your degree after many sleepless nights writing papers or preparing for exams. There was absolutely no time management in preparation for exams and papers, yet you have done it. You got your a piece of paper that cost you fortunes. Now there is no more hustle of tuition and board. Everything you earn goes to your bank account and government fund. Taxes. Bloody taxes.
You know after every chapter's end there is another beginning. Everything seems open to you. You can do anything you want. You are a professional cadre now. No more pity to a financially challenged student, because in her/his hands now his/her present and future. Thus, you can pursue your happiness anyway you want. Freedom of choice (relatively speaking). An opportunity that has been created by you and your family/friends. An opportunity for you that will never come to untold millions. Lucky you! 

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