Sarah Palin. Surely, you know that I am Mongolian. In normal circumstances I would not care less about Sarah Palin. Unfortunately, even to me-for a Mongolian-Sarah Palin is too much. Matt Damon, one of the well known actors of the Hollywood, explains my thought more clearly than I can think of. So, I would ask you to watch Matt Damon's interview on CBS. It is just 1 min 43 sec video that describes and clears my thoughts. Enjoy!

4/5/2010 03:54:08 pm

Good one!
What do you think~~~~~~~~ (O.o)?

Ryan L
4/5/2010 04:29:08 pm

Sarah Palin was more of a puppet, she really didn't have much saying because they made sure they silenced her words because of her stupidity. I would say McCain did it for some kind of support since there hasn't been any females that took part to be the vice president so it would have the vote of some of the female population. Surely it back fired because of his age and the number of times she said something that would go back to affect McCain's campaign. People feel more comfortable with some backed up with intelligence rather then stupidity.

4/6/2010 07:24:26 am

Hey Chimde you should check this video out. This is crazy http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3D5rXPrfnU3G0%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded
seems like they are playing COD.


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