Susan Boyle. I hope you all remember her first appearance on TV show-British Got Talent. In my opinion she proved one thing to us all. It is never too late to reach your dreams. By her will and gut she prevailed over the cynical public misjudge about her and her outlook. 
She proved that for singers and performers the vocal strength and beauty are much much more important than an outlook. Honestly pure natural voices are missed today.  
She said enough to her ordinary life and took major step towards her dream, which was to become a famous singer like Elaine Paige. From her story there are many things need to be understood and learned. Her story is truly an inspirational one. 
In addition she could have chosen no better song than a "I dreamed a dream" for her first appearance. Frankly I think she got a natural understanding of the principles of a marketing. Nevertheless, everyone needs some luck, thus I wish you a good luck in your career and personal life.

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