The best five Transformers

Everyone had a favorite transformer, today I am gonna list my favorite transformers.
Number 5
Alice was the pretender decepticon that tried to kill Sam in the Revenge of the Fallen. I like her human form, as much as her robot form. I know transformers don't have gender, but I had to include at least one female robot. Typically Arcee would fill that spot, but with a female decepticon on the radar, especially one with such a hot human form, I couldn't help but to pick Alice.

Number 4
The combined form of the Combatiocons, Brtuicus was my favorite combined robot. Combaticons were cool themselves to start with, they transformed into some kick-ass military vehicles. Although not shown as much as the other decepticon combining team, the Constructicons, the Combaticons were a powerful team. In my opinion Bruticus was the  best fighting decepticon transformer, he was a combat machine made out of combat robots that turned into combat vehicles, if you ask me thats what cool is made of.

Number 3
Springer is an autobot triple-changer. He is the archi-typical hero, always ready for action, eager to help his friends and all while cracking one liners. That is why he  was my favorite transformer when I was growing up, he transforms into a helicopter or a cybertronian car. When the leader of the autobots Rodimus Prime thought he was dying Springer was his first choice to succeed him and inherit the leadership matrix. Luckily Rodimus lived to fight another day. Springer is an example of a great autobot soldier: intelligent, brave and selfless. And the make him more special Arcee the sole female transformer has the hots for him, life can't get any better for Springer.

Number 2
Optimus Prime
I don't know where to begin describing the autobot leader. He is the most iconic, if not the most famous transformer. Optimus is a true leader, he can be inspiring without being banal, his dialoge with Megatron during Transformers movie was epic and was used in the new Transformers movie by Michael Bay. He is the perfect leader, he has authority, foresight and determination. It was tough placing him second, I honestly considered putting him first. Prime's superior fighting ability, leadership abilities and compassion for all life has helped the autobots beat the decepticons. 

Number 1
I would really like to see Soundwave as the true leader of the decepticons. His coolheadedness and cold logic would make him an excellent leader. Most people have a hard time seeing Soundwave as fighter but he deploys cassettes from his body that turn into little transformers. Yea, maybe his transformation form is a little useless, but if he could transform into something more lethal, he would have an unfair advantage over all other transformers. His voice lacks emotion and contributes to his whole aura of coolness, and his cassette warriors also known as recordicons were a valuable asset to the decepticons, often performing reconnaissance missions. Soundwave's loyalty, attitude, awesomeness and lack of emotion has placed him number 1 on my list.

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